Overview > E-mail Marketing > Track Your E-mail Blast

Track Your E-mail Blast
Opens and Clicks
Tracking your E-mail blast is a very important part of the E-marketing process. Your contacts’ interactions with your E-mail messages can tell you a lot about the effectiveness of your E-mail blast as well as how interested your contacts are in your product. Determine which contacts are interested in your products based on if they opened your E-mail messages. Then, identify what specifically they are interested in based on what links they clicked.
Based on the data from your E-mail blasts consider the effectiveness of each of your E-mail messages. It is important that you retrieve your E-mail reports within 2-3 days after the blast has been sent. This will help you keep an up-to-date idea of how your E-mail are doing. A few things you should be aware of are: subject lines, sent times and days, images versus plain text, as well as placement and working of links and surveys. Take note if your contacts generally click more on call to action items or more in-depth information. Also remember that opinions change so you should try to stay up to date on the preferences of your contacts. And the best part, all of your E-mail results are written back into your ACT! database so they can be easily accessed and analyzed.
A few days after your E-mail blast, use the results to qualify your leads based on their interaction with your E-mail. Rank your contacts to determine who is most interested and what they may be interested in the future. Use this information to create Call Lists to follow up with your most interested contacts. For example, if Charlie opens your E-mail 3 times and clicks 2 links, while Megan opens your E-mail once and clicks no links, you should contact Charlie first since he interacted more with your E-mail.
Use Call Lists to Score Contacts>>
Now Do It!
- Go back to ACT!
- Click on the Sage E-marketing icon on your toolbar
- Click the Results tab
- Click Reports
- Select E-mail you wish to see results from
Now Do It! – Write Data into ACT!
- Go back to ACT!
- Click on the Sage E-marketing icon on your toolbar
- Click the Results tab
- Select E-mail
- Click Submit